Lucy Lantis
What Civity means to me:
Civity means honoring our shared humanness while discovering the beauty behind our differences. It creates space, time, and intention to connect us in the challenges we collectively face, but with our hearts. Civity builds bridges between communities, organizations, and people’s lives by asking the simple questions we sometimes lose sight of. At its core, Civity prioritizes relationships by inviting voices from all backgrounds into meaningful, heart-centered dialogue.

How I came to Civity:
I love my home state of Iowa, where I was born and raised. I grew up with four siblings, swimming in rivers, climbing Oak trees, and running barefoot through open fields. To me, it was the best childhood I could have ever dreamed of. However, as I grew up, I longed to be around diversity of thought, ethnicity, and culture. It didn’t take long for me to spread my wings and study abroad upon turning 19, which was my springboard into the global world. Since then, I have worked in international higher education where I fostered partnerships abroad, advised international students, facilitated trainings for inter-cultural communication, and built relational bridges within Omaha’s local and global communities.
This passion for culture sent me across the world and granted me opportunities to live and learn on four different continents. It provided me with unique insights into human relationships on personal, cultural, and global levels. It ultimately revealed the universality of the human condition and showed me when we access compassion and empathy for others, life is far more meaningful.
In 2015 I earned my Master’s in Conflict Resolution and thereafter started my own business, Inward Inquiry LLC, where I serve as an emotional wellness coach and a facilitator of workplace development trainings. As a workplace facilitator, I customize workshops for a wide variety of organizations, helping to evolve their work-place cultures through a balance of self-reflection and intentional dialogue.
After experiencing a Civity training as a participant, I immediately felt a sense of home and connection. The work and mission of Civity is directly in alignment with my personal and professional philosophies and values. It didn’t take long for the collaborative conversations to start, and now I am humbled to be a part of the Civity training/facilitation team, where we affirm that ‘differences’ strengthen relationships.
Other things I like to do: I am an outdoor enthusiast, no matter the season! On the weekends, you can usually find me camping, hiking, snowshoeing, walking our dog Ollie, or doing yoga in the grass.
Things I’d like to do: publish a book and thru-hike the Appalachian Trail!